Rebuilding the Organ 2011-2013
Once the decision was made to rebuild the Cathedral Organ in 2010 quotations were sought and the contract was awarded to Trevor Crowe Organbuilders in Sallins, Co Kildare.
Following professional advice it was decided in some way to return to the cathedral architect, William Burges', original vision of having both an organ in the west gallery and a choir organ close to the choir stalls, whilst also retaining much of the instrument in the organ pit in the north transept.
The whole instrument was removed from the organ pit (see picture above) and a new frame was constructed (see picture below) to contain a new and more practical layout, one which would also allow the restored pipes to 'speak' more clearly into the cathedral. A key principle in this regard was, as far as was possible, to return the pipes to their original voicing.
The organ is one of the finest of its type, being especially suited to the 19th and 20th century solo repertoire. Its excellence as an accompanimental instrument is well demonstrated every week when it is used to support the choir and congregation in their regular Sunday worship.
The Nave Great Organ was completed in 2012 with the Choir Organ following soon afterwards.
Work continued in the organ pit, following the full renovation of the pit and north transept, in late 2012 and early 2013 with the full rebuild being completed by October 2013.
With over 4,500 pipes (including the 3,012 originals) the cathedral organ is now the largest in Ireland.